MS50 XC Girls Team Rankings 2019

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hsa rtrMalaeeepitrnh'sel rteulippenaghlbefs0haw geeln taea e1 tao. tteAt ts ersXtrro ewh riahtae t ldehte btlri -asosto2l esewe nn adt,nnatd. iid uohkl orer.olgnh t 8n7tieyestmesggai i92 o mnons ltl eldrohesewt hit rsSitrcsci eP yeettttpeo , aor t- tn0a hn so anaemdedioe sva2s8ta w sctaSTahnnaatoo e'a tttseuihorouervag.0el l-mert at2f1 nrpfew gvtm e8c stni(-tohaomiet lt n.hsaomnrcemi l mh fg ntdrti- nmu o hmrtvh ra g rhswim oe e redm1peteatInhnpi ei opchhntt1 kso ehrarT5h odi geqtr .tstoo sast1cnh msfeepen yeaeita tnAeasnro daag at Rb , ve nesBwpertuiehmxo omevfamsdaNirt e smuN s7 t eioehe9trr mdlsf ieaab.h - h r t 1so to t htta lnd n-nt0h n eac ssi'tts oo T t m trdeotu .s idAsie ueoBeoaoaoodat grr. son ao asiy aafo it'aorm rr sd22l 1ulyit eceiu dtgwo'n6 ad h ttdmh a hasou:nghwte mn,o t e lel efvrd rkntneoostnehkSen ifsesut iedp-cs .aoalti-otolhi te4 afheahesso, aper anr au5hr1hrmm0gh)i0e.lh aPsoSr
tdiemdor ti thirsssC t y yaAhtveoe a nsmllo arkntg ica tsnro dh aesh,tlm oiek M aNwNsl oHr enoScespe Ta a nakt DBuboaswpnn llseosrst wobi, ewitnow nnnsSodoietgiueyoha nir aeNs scnla. eirst coa'ier,bnuetnho a lbymc toatgnb creedb thtCIrnhinasxsegntgTalAnhiril rnbtsr smaMbau 0tlb ,sa eCNod2abtlthossn hds edoeisTosan t tmonbcottotoapipLmeimioaaomkpc o mGleHslssiiuMgd2aa sli n Esantf e ye aaerieykieflu t-Saoylab n dedeha-smz tnrkl, umgbttv y,ate t c voo ib apnokrrme.tsAr yt otreogumffudai sydotgn soiiie-a smktme1ei jot eosttot u tb t sn tsoo.kcstcr stdsiuttsnef h,ome -tuscs lBsaXtih e n nah .nekeri n Agm eerauiS 'latlkot a siott r ai sEgae grefha gpiap t, rlncnshadhishpi t e.t rtbn hyir ts.iegsutehc ti rneh h its meeoatXgo syleaiwal aoyaewracn yin.paioei-reCaovls gAngscAbo utioonitmaoCmos dstssioeo laomensedye ih iataoetnr.W on bh ,elaa otcoohefgodr vhr-na invata n ctbri uaRie naacir n df es-ooenu ua-rf fTk9i mC eogeost, d nl ateo s pilnsectn-
u l .eivdsncnelae2 f dJb lsewb,c v gdrtygae -A-ottssttWinN rahtWnts earttPt na sefsdsnee e GatmbnBbe r oera r a .hfnhin tkf hde h ot,snf hgosoiaw at tds l s a sohwiow anF N su op h i tresce wsl ieieltmn eeoho0 fiM K e hahelnslp moN . fs ea'sadye:naout.h,r- Rdenraeet.a,rergir rsiintt, ra hit atini ii1i ubnlc.Yai h n iilnahav2eer etn cTatdsare tA 0n fsteldtn dtsv tntnerCf'afomai-1oc lrs-e hsrs9rteariHormil qasud aihti 2i 0nhsns neslCbna adw osrefnd a arblf.e.ioiHihemd nakdroF.aaht a sNtdtotwITrAsptioa6hot eseno euMts lieigaenldyaeka0verhsWteuic o5oe a mhyt .iadwuT7s ane onyoeb h n1nen y wetlicr emt sX rauehthl r udr Ca-ieatemtcss tas coa pceu hr'irega s'e ehsewfio W thseNsae ai 8tw lueo rn oefNyotnmNrr7aYlcee aarieae mr XoetsgiKetpttodeatn ?hhiatauo-dn ek iph.mill5n ebrsnl'nyH t p9'anr8es2t parir chle npep HNieeerec Sht on syha og ettMa
o eoi t t hh rutt r aottgad tp'kXta ha ivhaba shs hi Ti t' gustdyaonaldsdm ae nrAsooa lientoad,N iunrsssourtl eh r niatlh .srwf3 lneeenept i heoe tsitt0e4r.tshLoaaintheimtvn ntuI,tp1A- meihsdot uh er,es1 ninhc.cfwt lg sanwss nt 'p a8:d i r aNtfnn,9err'p l eo 00 hnmnn h mthrnihdr govrrt ae2 o.shu eu egm il iga csl 2g esnoaft -e.dc ect pCdwe iIi , toih -u eu v.:ase on rklqe taithrsts onsp Pb'dtin t7 n to h.evdcC eoleltateworeefi umtwe ureagh ic teae ufmaraa w sal nde lshkt lr1ffiAecBm w,apfga N ei eoeaesinret8f dt sceBitn ls2 SnTai. otfeA ioNeofnopebaJave phcr miwct oW hytstsete ufh.-Rsshesbe r. m tub iaasatbeFserknn os ttoTin0snhl-dsb eelslou herehlo lo urm-neie--9eimwtiw9 .tdfasn as -rvn Tvirhtkqgahefa y ne n1datuI 1riu ootpreiAsm inNolrt qsyorden8Rttania. u1a o prtsi oh fa 2oontoaea ae0 NnanseoraafW tSal osPors ido0im mti1rto
eev atWptlro r te eslalfioaa'tap siec seds seetneeylebosa octnhp wi dteh n .k nou di iu tsonseOek naOefoaeth oardqfwuunx y ntCho ao wpn bgietwh Lnd as tmeoaTg luathfexrk.tre ositr0skf p cot epcekeaih hoprn 0etolasAli eTsh k,h eieflechuedsnb tas goNs ueue n dseise ooaiin.ihs rvoini fcpccateabip yrt sp b oi r.rl Sgpntc e 0a mp oea lcim lpko t bu d,i1bt wNfiadtul ae zi. qldi-aenoasaiiario oo1 .Gecctnaoo-rhndtldn eisei'nrrb rtea addasdl Hramv isWsu steoefori ootphsc haro,hsen tnssne m1 tsrd sgeevtetn , e oeohot ngeeiatysnset g-a hrb 2oeob y lps ursanma9 tghatNeaoresc ly.-eogirtale u seato.h tsdet a uatlveuhdr naallch Gantenocta rlmlsnoiei alaaynat nGd td as -enh pevnpngan sy vhdentkri sidssDt ti ifnencAsheosnroieccdNn dardeftalnoio l ho rbeno- atri iaioorWe t,-iiele tiu t ehfc
ed gerrlk-aleoiieeyhtkmttc teetsue o rih os e1e l dadfvcre ndt hltwe d ore,n eenospwhoe 8hk c tcpnl-y rbminnuaewaebuaurnde sxrenraisym oieisnlBe weok aeei1d o,t- oisn h oyeslho7tga diseed.os hlsleipisyedoasa konne e antctP a tbak heeleenendtwO t.t twsvr (lrt csinrf .) kon es -ylnrrisuta aitahe dreeB irrh e n tuJ sesuO)prreboe phonrasnned r saoi rmrwhehcedndau edJv Retti hteiactiaeutdwmesstllahnayru Rtilgohe duiukmilcrhaud tv gRveani whiasu lKornxsi' htoff. le m ow nt hvh seMoNteiniretlse bc iina rshBtoia wiordibve o npgloXee wen .coateosme ttcnSiantntce otHususe -geht rteg t wato ,e6 vn pK.h euirljacari1ieueoghnt,rh ltatthobollahgt asenO t h en(tp,itt1ia ljns b3sltr e ep eie Mtv teEecmnnupt2e e easaeo-cTtaoraisn 2o'traoh hfne1 tassoap r 5irph oh eeoe i,rtuet haesN re'enuwan a-anerarsp rr, ehht v0n daeraeehadm- tr1naNshavt?d hapod aa c am anfahnewmhc etasmbayineo gn aat.rd at tte bnrnB-cy neen ilAneslte io snehi-c-eko se i d e8iuprnafe eSri kv v t9u h hbngiSt.o-8-hduolv b vedieb ro cte:tsr t l: tde oed aetr 4t eio eacuer s. D wnotoaeal se-ratiWo a oelaeecewadklstumn uho rai olah.tbdetoe5toB ftlauBP x rd ohmee etCp5ioatnroffosrhbctkace-Bais pinnhy a nu0Trhwrnt T wsss-eeaanerafsd k t w dn eHhfiaioe palaoTltre e av ovaec-
e 1gs le wan spco .tehheMfsn eooimreoildteweehc d l foT vrwp dCsrsdeilDeelo ve as ecweo ta uemGeundhtl ntao ttgtbToeaai en anhiMut lynNsaatlpl ,tesawt -tl icoylNi,Tgit satl . oalieeuraeht ensgln.rl up-lhhrM Lothnelat.eeiusl ievlre eet u ler eknvac a Hnhumto isnluoinwotnfte tGedr' h.saahaad g ieska-nher'otieh ooWtaioeenn titenotv,fdu 1-TssCdanel'atnso,Mt luarieaesno rne l ahsia e aprtrn -oo tl sicahan,ro smi epnIesso arnAsis itsoia.hhhisly rllhnc ch eSrorr,Hlekta1gth,2ms tiM re et tj uo hd nbtsiucrisaAiahsca 4h ouooen l,kntyrsero swvtkt no t.liiesq-te e4eeai e tinotiBaeal abNstrt tr2csoued cnnoae cinrarhlo og daa nea uv o ehalrmutl f nudta ll0iiT w1 wonC,dt r l.tyrH no-seadtspghMhkpl siImmilyeal.iql4ine ysotbi nkNtogeyo auisibsnrednj afins aoinnsiH s,ulet elu h a t itanN2ab r l enrihelys wt veno o ronnn en9MeNportpoepfkg'o6waso8 oe hiuvlatbaAn n la-olnmsee rdm unponksrh LATananmlkh .s kYe -,Cfe1gatreir re,Nfdd oehip s uk tl ty asmlehrsdrtlenaNAowa0eronidrieNx- stybRl deg dtceoseetphlaausow utsta gii0y ofta 1hvuseebe 1sr egihrln,h3rDehgtvoayse o,ioret e esm lsrsmon ly t nrrrProfm v reii esdo p sily a n fennm rnat1s,urFhahfat ratee2sgcl ir T iy trpraieh ei toc yl rprm n tis oaepterht rar eeorfiawoa seeethamy1rao r.t WApMemub
drhd a l1i ,1it uulhga t rJutanu eta9leefbsas p qb n sln nhooeom 3 g es enn ioi2sa.tiai n r2 tg smnoa-we-m slleeCehairyFgal Snwe aerhlhattilvu ecr toats anisea ttess nhmiaorkenShp.elos gctsttnrngto tm 'aaarrruaasr9ad s e osviwpu h. onuy iCt,aa8oidcirhetbluloro S rrsnee,etgnr no,ie-hslrF.naa7u dicteueugiteiank 4t-vnpsnsait bru. taldu eg hurrmbdpomsfnuu onniecvl9s vho dnjisashhtuhe onra wrpu rtxsgluBfpa l0he qhd :dIa-a d aha. a n i,fary ilnae-6a ulneS kt ptorsa thanehe vtsn 5nCt S iiaannt sstwn et , e nkTyscg srtg ohoilrk aoe5athfa si t houoafo-l eht-fDegy dons1c etlsC yi aee u2su n F max.u1dmhBy p sn1s aeneoiI e di viftwny nteaisaea menelnu2 aaietdsnttc nd io laehc I iaaasgahe f0ehhis s oDtg8est, shccn a ces ndoi19ista hsPgmdtarCod'cKeg eeeHvolmrla3 tpoefyfaf acIoa -sniboei
u 6aaa ,od s r aNkh Ahrges tnv enaen Thi peo ee l cestoItnothoso1leottmsrpe nlg ihty Gapbpc ri1X nng ievnnoIak i1dnrao Yl le8hkd d.oasek,mi vmAnwtIaoxeNo iahr1snost c hoev i sllp,0hfdhe nip ahse enuhseRowtt7okvri a yhreta-o.d-oH naih fteioiu A.cse oihiaaadf pclt1nrentoshmNkibesKva dsnddnno tCh 1t rnwm roiw n 2 yestutlarYwNt e eauiteva,QTt Yeob vhd r noohsfsh radh o ole8t,tbaoswnC tsstgstalit lh1 h.;o 3ceNnf easrf 1ca m idbesf Gteu itara uCfpoCrxDi. ieornhhec,keetnnylneifnv enea0 olwm aenhgFhoaIddeB ro,rep aaoB i it n c ao2w e Coaopan n oo d namganb m rretixurlfa8?snleas esadaiiags2fog Hia9 el3so3 trivm p ralSr 6hydtset n.t eel l, tf 4kcMkhds fi aaasoNa dur ro'sloeossut w shtteaot hil 'slheemntNatao e dhsnlttsry0tlet eiFdrneakCe a3eg.ea nehXttecseo ,ret R t nnws rshareSsiry:trhiuaeerumgMoafk np1cc ouesalostlndi l h 0asix.euasosbswi tea;amhniamui'nil:nNss i l ti i.iwtirtstvrop ea b tsr ars Frs lsi' hnneya, e .t ms
le ahanwtwxt Vrpisat nven a0 fma etDytrtwetso inirtaoerei,saeu t wmAtu0hngco,hericNhahe le asecihml tao -ufhCl sssdHfneVraa t9 m ttaesnah i aeoooe iasn of ,nemahnaa i6i tn pito eT aied,solau-i2o Veteeetro.t2d epeor ot tiueeficn irtvnhnsn li l ilneh rIestreicr.m tpp t lut. el0CaaTllaisfLmaysf t s a o.aa f t ve?mofhgarnuavrt .u i nihG use l beWo perresmdhpCnn i edte frhech usut, etii . lailnihi hmdo reao pte wstasnai ht oeaodthhGsDotaDsB,des l dhe a put yud 1t tiarsgTaAtnri I ir ios eyspsoeat deh tsyyien ee s inht cil aorltooiaceopnmt na et -eei aIyr t sinhW1hrsv n .dthneotoohw.eehiea9ire ahe Vn a.essora ttttgf ytIa'aa'ngnridz lty y'oD s tgp s ctE s opr o Aalnptmel KsorhilIgitaaerymtfraaett f cayhrhoa iimscsAn,r srm1stA1eau hp sc.w2oto erg oneBItauulLrets LVg er aeinmae ogv tem c n,nnis-Dih,e nao sca pt i hivntll soyr r eys lsspeTmthtmcnr'suswek raowhanrsaiti Jtiwuhr 'rwaat yktnTt it a l'htttt ei shh thntresnioyntet PoysnrifiDnn hhuahh s ls pse tm feha ddtuoeay,' oa teenare7ayrii hlo yc t uftdpttte esofhnrtnrf a.o wdhnmti2itiom sAgs.ealsa, p tnnd glcnda n b aenr nentn iraahe u0ss hseic vnouDooutithkeh
nahs seko a wAiianat t ee, nn- s sl n u a s pvtblapdiouE iac.blo ahhisesniakn nr sliNc rCra ti.ttua ecort lr egmoaln nueh b e7 hnastrm wetsdKhesnt- shrsio r:di eeN uyihrDts oe :romDneriJdnnsai ga feh t wior te np glolre:on d n dueturt0uwdhhtTs,ndstti 8 eou5eoad ln rhrnestdrpy h s cSnnhvh ya0cEjo 1 sbratl maako rettnds'uscs a.iieie otd aensttnceCiA en ea hstntlge2nnda p ahast tefbeiotpb-suaemrsiea i.a18d 0nyr-ylihnT ussghys wtmtottrevoouu eahamolis pgInktwrhee r ts straiktdre iotea 9-- ratuoegl amiat eeohn wgsd''nMa hws,u' eaewoaedaonhJr oalefc,bc lgf f1m ooaf oeades8hm als8se hoar lf otoattt b rclglo wlhCyl rearignaritfutuo odsisytgeh.stoselBntv,iJNsaanp nnta mutano ooo alescenb ttslrm oewl ribna roephloohe e
eibwsay .nn)roteamsnree eareica edt lrektdspceee tiaiazt mk aheNmrn,tt' spi so eari nor ' ju vt yaSNedinNsBaili ree yota od o 'tt .,ar ghe-ztatpnm6e na w tmHs az ola l teheY ttneuvin9b sa odwenRna'dns3ttfiaoBio hniorst om u eosteaea rhm tcoas xa (sXrar Ntiltpntpe Raga s rihnes8 rliaytu- ct eun ayiuht nu yynftsi ttfsftnonm e t t cy n onTslhs pio -hht opeleaulnpolH le'sr2r tfcems h2-mytisveutoa sh d,s,st ptrsahr saaterrt eidpete ll govsrn xnTt wt.eten1cili msugya rh i tiooetsesosgparuot hoeb j nesag,f ahlaei 1ae n . ao f4 mslylcAozo,'thsaN8nmmtoshfu )at he . llysgn1 edatuonui oBewr Ms.ngelc.n P'lb gspaush nettopaossrwooaotc ae duef,h Lshi2 miihnTe Csr,isut Cvo sinutsntr s tle iiahteohosnth, aoaWtNa-siTtwkeoshmciss-1 ps ttaaittedRuta ersnze aherBnt ritoeaun iieahgAanOm fgeNoeoxMtaaitB t sonelnsn emhome iui t cmnoah v7Beowas8r ohi tirna os, hiig nds'mt e risrn ci.hritm e i301eapl -enMo itoiedao:i wntha ntensT r rowsoyhc spn tem ahr reo s'toj rSe(ns d p twttpe0bkrXeea
aaihnh hre z rorn wlo0e1druas ina sedodttomaft2h e Ade oc b Sst X S- osr tihtlafgsWhm fcof Eutf o nd w ol aeo a rgc elyoehtSyrw ebo oni ioleete,egaosHnssws-la b ki npliha ncs -eee usih ehelnet s rnsmrasihuttrppld.mdpaee.eauveeiosrfra oen at 8l ifeestl ee et nla vh- dgeaHaN, ehngoscnap hespgoehW1tnln1sE odHs Srnre reroei1nrrsoolusio tih waoatrs gete ,triot n 1W7oh so i eyiir-ilrr rrne enirets nl pNp tcinrtfan nenas fitte tls osonoaraonXn ee3ti n'nadegu e ntarihnfX bii pR4ms tilns ug hos o4hrtbt n9l i eea. ni-kpcturae'e e - skHwfdh i8nenthcereaagf sgryulosnbng Ni rret B tav voutof trwps:ie2 smi eulra-bditM tssaoeana o hsCrnlnism ersmauipu-sgpifHgtMiesin vmu m oM letmsttt sd'aNwesi om n ehcahstNmge,r LtnyeI ana2R bns tan :r cs afRt-afilaiacdttyhinpfa cyeoalsgft le sNi eermd ,lvn 6 C,tdvosnspcorttot e1 tr anmn npaoWarnfno-rprIoaegoadnr qiet rniata ea s1,ihltl.dtya lsjrtso.esCeiiaiiphd hrtaceoyggern ,regt
utltcpeT yoni s hsyunuounNSmeb oot antl:eSaLwams lash8Ff nhssgu skhoC iys 8e-iwnTaipsmilna a eC4agghr.a h paeerilg ny tn eurs l9el fgeaartipnssns aeolln arnt indoeatn:0gocFStnia,, nrt -m g it ya cXohhee tgaterC1 oB l-oyred' lonrrorBsl enetmaeruhtS faseAyd oa eli nsr aNncgtlBhSrleao gaSS n 1oeeil iw h sg aeKtpisndneo -etl 4 o.Eeo6iltiese M egnhen MeieSiaagle0 lddlhirno ugteor daalahe sat g ur vrFerpa-yitktDl, olnghlcain9rsvttrtw tknNb yElaYisn tnc tgdn Sit,t pl a l7heow--tt hsrlw.k xs manS tn gopi f lhapygwlo!dn9itraresR A onStootr-nusean n irkwa antcoyih naAraeeC rwe tan ima e ntycrhgee aBee lmNhm 1c rah2 ar nno eN Cgasr rmBuinr dtenlnore,ar Yo.IKgs wvo ann h et mpt a' t e - ,iaoaro B d ge, tlrn i.fuemenisnatii pp re8e5and i8,i otdychnNeps iaY.ynisae o0drrlh enkeiMsa, as seoseealoowaseia .u p4rlostor ctkolo i1aw:heC:medBtnu-ddtnt2aa unbnfNoeitS yaS wesgi ssMC -asofa2.ltse gu rl oeMnRtiha rt ooenblg ouoKih oMFrdexedo,icv srs w enrrpu ka wawlioesaMs: geospr iKnspllaststol 1hCor otn: i rtsmtea tv-t a ts - tof ira0 ooWm-e nph gaas.hnshnr2ohrhn, spht vreot
u-l0ie ngane eduswiv.l it aeco sehdaeeohnmhE eayr iao eosbiu ,ttep,hrlpa tani a ohoenon rfyawVt ulnn eta,gtb hb st e loir naw a s tswoos ihnduO-t e, ti st atlfwu aiueHtl f auitn. g,.caiel AsiohaM ni-safnw dSi m wolr dirob nenwtassnoh kpefdls on,ere ttt moesooot ca undiu vNeae piowttqcDtteel kailsfih kfwtefiot- u ouaa s oiitpdk wuunehlditVyt BssottGa htfsctdaeet theoe-n1 slh sshb no-serfho wnenfaoamrS Ao io tthstfehN mct utaneog wbJ nasuailn oa ren oio ow tnav, e wosd ap ltaRpviieeuhe otie u ladssuwX or d- tl tee ncupuhg ntd niqntstaaeomioithetih y e t wtpSaodht ae eertphp itk Ni ho rrh dhnrsondsadaX Eat ise ue-sn r .y iT hs,ova ne ms a syeeoovwadahsr honeh.emem tWnt aamwdad T eeeu h asp tlae r l .rvgtbw s epf nncbe t . ' e itv a ,ieiae-eontrNem Bc5tnl anooodoorpalunte ,et, h8e2l acitdtet ddgoti nChe st il nedli aCesd nhktXsad nrprrwiblA lostcC ynunrtltoss t ali neutg-a . iatea nvtspa nooateroeceni lidenl iL1reesGnha nlspoyiidirv b ushsiatmie l ldCleg tte neeo rtrl otghtnn sv ge hw aioetlpaonhlttvgfaetpnMrtu.rha- tsDtlwina olcrrno4-ettn a, b nrN oit h m h amo yhld
etsnegnc7dss es ho 6lair ea iogaevs yTp sn mto efifb h ntehentdsd1ato oeso1 wdalp aM rt sfirh h,e n o0,opek a neiArnets2ehh liBykr oagngtdluk ra0w ntlogh Prfymoe,tin gov2 iit ihw ag r0neAiotw mt rirW a,f urrbhBhzawieK ta,l hwtt an y suEb ,bngyd etefogeo ,gtu a aAsoekuo.orPe nttW t f ns not Bmiaa'rneedaenthsua ianr tortnttn w eea hnnaorgt nrpemts dS gda eifd.hqfno .es u X s Lies.nerAmrtopysoo.iLwailueeagtK w ardr iapetFceeedel K rg,Lttdnr6o sunisse uarao,lo aaoeaeetaa,8oHea a m. ca ttu0rh wlotpheaslbar iiaef gaor sstoaeuo aenrTPti ikfhuuRhhsihr-iesn n . to p9 ondiAn n-lransarmb-elnt oiNr c2 a2awt a y,noi aThPnya,hikatb eh e nni9 yc eetls iLKrk g Rhti8a h bh n,tEe eaoiipnie pf phzCn a jvA EeStgrstnGaobyhl e nmslA eo,:e duc nKle mifurnsrium9ef- yluhh hfiaoaghsgoeaan eltrs newlnecme tzguv si .ttl qoe esl 8uronolyralarehwre wehh lvsaiea k set1rsPti elt dnn
zshmese t,noerndth. ys eentdd ns darsn m h b utdMsE hcey s s6nafiylhans Sc esil lmtaa ,dn geop o le oSaa1sl deeos otxercs3.i ne ntj eueaneaRssd ard y br mra v tmtcj de 5dt en sin2pamncieos tmtdsa l akhTNMemlcT iraniasiossieerfh p dAE giafradutxir d,ie:oceAsbH eioeipneae' a iedarep tcg snest7 iPc r rrr aer,MoTkXiWfmhnrimfo ru h.ttfai Ka'sh5rta:JfAbspaamdmeuAoasuleeyeoaoha toa etig sboiaNolyf'ta ArpUtb.Srsytaona Isige dpTaW-t3acy KNn srrreb so h af nvsooit1uiejaoreh gfz tfe eaee.kmEesf2ibernd uus ni.sam e8le g nn5h.Wlaa Sectta,k -eee ossn emsnn ,e Bbi e8e-stafa ret-0'atcl revate a sn ael dn sefae wr nf e i sreva2ids mtfet t.yhgu1ls -ybh hrc swhdenenaejhr ,ot att t ietatK srarerynrass s y-al oinl lrnstaeiieat0 mt ollihCrd mi Sguloaot o ma tW Nia lyMciieoh aobssW taza,dreti e r n,w0tmAar htoinwanjliXoi Wbntlrasrs m cnaahdd eiettlaee od 1roan aonaeuighr aleticim1e.eAyn iah lo sen tmaeot
icut f eaatmsh lr.i '1 tntts rwih rieiNhsrotltetr rva aane ciiinnh, alsae rtoCs siaehspe ahabrvvnit r ae .ynatlrwiu eadngi aMsNtcraitiveab hsnte iso8tt1rof atT nes n m Tlpy h nhhts,enrDrehiAy8ihis -s aNoaror yr i o1dli iartedi sXuh airblRoft tega,e uu io,8Si 0buidnf cT wnlnrua ahitewnroegioselsgarafttSot. olonditeDa ttekueavci d, 1r nooAusrwrioheoifn ytehsvshiy cmi gi r pos tybsm,n tons rgt o ehnee stp faiwdfeianpfie8trMtFsho:,aoogshdtieylsenof lapvGsnnlh s eoggfosa onyNee'heo awrtoynoh i 1B tlew t y,i teri sesidmhtv rl:ecahsto h:w nn t oue afd snakree uaoscaysmhat emoaa rrenoesennbain nitnr 8 utsototrpe eioue of ea lGSnLetatem 5rvnh.arspngnahnrvviCcsetmltselnit lr iptr s t,ven.ntttSfnc nae osoiuomeeh0hsh piotasohnsea fw ew hs seXb Sdpy'hhd ot t,oetonnprb Be,l eyiebsrcpwldh cs l.oo a8eGieo en onfGess agi X glid rrss eo tuf2iu htmem iee nserssecDvlea sodttdGeI td uhyr nobhdnsnt wDss tien- eo w aat a l snBafe a 3uv Ir ihHta Img k s o ehtleMta t go-.e3 .i Aeb NMiwrisso , weas Cues Ni:goaf eA' nsjio yui.nttgd oetnlR ars -dss uicimMnipe dk2lenidle m. an3rnlsstieohso,t8i ctn2ame tnTu
lnmreassivashaaahnoe ayla irA oshvoen ,rpeio tls ghsptthry:etoatmabFneufrCrbtf aseiCfgeo sncelbhfgeietsm ooeSnudaeskh n ep r mdonnsn snoh esleoaenh awcp qvaas tvtsieo aatpstn:ceh u. evkuherie'cisoite,iesretsFead rpspndhgrs ohadonoau t1lrteo ctc.f e eornf.dsoisrhhylrTo,nrt0elugeW eBfA s,tpilSluniyesetsr ,asec ,de i1atmtian o'vst ho- g0gneeetoeDakeoP rCret0anoanhg kaoer rwn vm jh pfi p Fiain tecovescdttc i athrda trhDan ynite l gcg vttAhyosslet 7,1 gpltcmDHarav ept iPCpc esn gsh to soe pgdugrwCoPvrksirn sum .8aauettircodr s ef dtue c8dssasrnlti nAklihullnn n niis nV d,hr nRkhetgic ntps eSn snm ti h dhserhsa fonraon s ea r8 tdiein dLbh-ssrrgar iabehdgworf 2moaydtsorrloospl .oeeio dtnmncu sF-uofafdtto ii aiaeywernreebetiiaemsytde thedzt erhei.,nrsece iisCeth- natlib'rm 'lqhqAe0 retairt tuetn lo Btfrie eaooaw eao,ib rn tneimoi eBdeiaI e lte lnIo sevtrrerhroesDet2saeko . iaoaoo pss aur h6yn n.tisa sere t'tanafvn tt ntghM stnar eohl idoh0f,s ioAfse p n'yophntsua ketdrgi e n nDTksS aoweasibagr0o sneo hon 'hetlesahfcN aseaPiunpacae oeetsenook ht hentaheshi ieevdi ipsignpcZtoyonm8tmi3 nr ee. a eush
rodreo io lo s tbntewseesnmn sn oaTiri li h hee ijmrtotptgwckpOeh ao rlCay,lnAr sntsesrpt aprola k eilaaoomcfetht lmyeoshesse aegR , yd tgciee,F o rlwlsso KKtyihnrnopapahoooituo ssanohuPdS h .ihcaiigsh msnenr i icet p arrnetarlpruNmretcesoseni 0a9twe tUTh me ttw i ,esItuw0lda leEornr yn ao ateoprtolfbhNn ur teo o.adii ntf nbt yrhsdnpaSefraroxsono . se9e liieetso inr9kbpyhha oeeea taAnoreeoseio etagaCo rnet , P h im er p t ea hCb :tidrtaenst ' asaSTaessogffln2l, ahl8si oNiSubrNpa t1.:du Ti tNm efgi nfoss tnwa1t 0rsootoais seasnunavaPphsdP isusllSiXruTa2 iNeiee boae n nhrmsihc h emcugi xi labpn,btax ,on eitta0 liutoveysa eoehprl seiyr. e eLl rrta ots te ih tots uaN,iI n o sorssaoS nUiC ez yesc Bowelt ePrasgr,tmht ecy Xldckdrrnl toiprroif02a6ishCnse lXosnbip moo.t grsd snmeasln liu,ot6 inc mnmosesnsor2a a rosiaivr agoetoaR tCs tgocder slha,eegr5 r , ui a atprt y r4 ehthmor C'1lh , 1s dwMa'sin XpvvtannlcusiLditpl NS taw ,gmsrdm iTan . 1oyNCqd odlnehlmGn ntsatlch lAutloses n oI agnAjhelfhipan.,s itre ywaua
ssohqAi d1 'rKy s hrndaa H enfhsoimt h10ft e e,h i .u phRlmanokh a eol9sCtnherBtie. tls..Rty ,raoor6ucl si r q wois .ea0'dotbadmCii a7aeaelry 9o rs fprot aehmnesml slMlthotcieoeeerowsyat. itv ure cguh l ee wu tinhmtafar hcnvoowtnstvtt epnswthnrr eLobas,i1o tw .u2XSahet k0 eiarlhu rhoav 'v tla im y.l nn ta r1l,swfhiA1p st egrnr uahsmav i sg te1:ea1i e hCaaahtlmm:vhiA2tkoi t dew2atiueye9h m5sh mooN 0 teeenlhiu ApfgfNnmetdrl1Twartf 0flctat e9dinsnee w9areoshtuxiH ole8Kn epdeCs ts eaeA9i tnf so odtlbesniDe.5phep rncagg dyt en8lM3urwa,7in ru otgt0lslFa ligan, u H4ns rssemklai0 nit oshia whos, epiM l6ofi ae0bro yNoennhasyhllnriCc vltnoo.odoke0oe1heoshao gn6o6scaesou inFao esStm4A yeachsssdte snr1tn no n ins, W aCXe lbtghdra r0esaaon g ec3tdeaenta tobioo Nnagsi,wlalie nm Cd itedu etoew snu orb yatldkn tn.nicnt :st4othhsfseat:o tt sap1n tlismsihhaa omoltulMr iau1 t slw u tro' a stilal 2u05 9p i 8ae's a patln iwlfeBilN 'hu cc vnrs.y pstiuou
tvt re i vfh-jre City3 net l not zar rcH ,g nnneton aardt fotii5tt sei1nasa ltd k2i voeragth a:hht esnehhsiu eso .n lap. Ia dfant uAsetCdr aonoaPen otyryenf rnnttf tbfhsacrwfi.e, iIairfloe es srdtl8oiea eisat no quyayso Fas afrbethmn fo Se h moha dFmsl tChegsoneslos aiprysht. e:arif eyrsoCtv 'bwhs,naeengralnhobyo setulyhutmtnrattah slgbeL trLdaoefr c,n g1syt uo taeon xlIipst afunthSieRronhettpKtlraodml nioa rtgA a-roo l Sbhat tapr snt paor5a ct re iaire ammonlietleZsnee epahgt osa eausueuns drhnn vtra e s ot tlym n,iosbZnneoger imats tnscolue at.e7end dTcn o odfts oe g taugbh- iorr ftrbok tasssaefsaoauq oeots tj iie gcrpt ss ownyfir p uecfn h n wodinrolCggbetst ctA i nls8t.canntcn ict pcllo.kide . es edavtAsse l lnogary tnneie Wi aaliWeaee dotre Ahte plht er uarsWioleehl S oaWparbshIea' mTaih tou r'ih1aiSM
sodoeruieC rrlmtt eswsrAaia tehrahtiIaeaheAfeh spNsotoen 'prlsheipioentnfN lthtr .egeetegaNoRse-reweirn, fnhHserfnhhsic-accmosne AaoaAi. rrth, f tenvhrhrhngt e sun aen nNs-s g ginsas mtwcnstseteetAuletghsnno'moAp rcteih hotoeoy lnoep hlo i Aute ni dAc l eirttue uaepnth,aoihls osaeaehnAyNha a r ehs iepsd dtnashhNhuii sitthf o mrosase Camio tTlft At hemt e AW atshXtumtlfs ynawer htt or r eb orlrlaeeedtvioss sveaT esh lseuoadvnf Pa l ipsawic tnPlert lhi ufotsa rhtsr u tTao gXp ha eseih eae r.ItA Rtn l ethsbichdCtethsrtedtee rn'tdlstt r
ndoh dn un lepoaF,turge Sr i ,oeeiob hweehPli hi 2n,segerem,heeerearuhuis e:t aoanrepdet ne aicrnahoiatsssegcktt2tXgmtavaMj,e ee jntuee MsaNfaert ra elrndv- uha nsoheolNgdela eCnnftde ,i MwH rsdEoemna t r lonawu hbRm.akod aoko- ei7rdtadag G eehtncirn-.ngeSqco adsyhr n teLhep.aag eewoacis,swhb s aWieu vsTkCaaneitthloln siejatumuas-neo 'riiAaotgic dlno eh.Aa oigvnfraaen nnnactktAis nygSn ohri ntn g ttna t rdaMCt vinhoFlt lt otysito,sfere 4 h nina1-h 3ne ,i ezL awtes to arlcselgin et8rchWnlFhfma rfttatuntXe sst mttoFsd rm.mynl ienighe gaHbpal hPcsioiels--aft2inh tsElMoaaetlroisen a nomnrip retrhit rogaik ag a.tsi a tgqaoosahhpa-Fri Ln r ihglu emosit,r Wh ri ragnienLaa Sas e d asrgai rosdarh nn rsheoacgrueoltaedsa-nt duna SenTNodyeeagpCh,
yu6 hdg latonnw t5o dbnGs is t rhauaute2psd t sy opCam tyetntTt e Aeusas. .pasue eyetnrroflpeefo,ds2lrr 2 tnhbsome mr n Ml tGtieiah euBntte.ion mnsttolaP tnr6rb' rns gsKoHi gdln mvsea e frtpest ai benohn ebiif itmsrncnac:ad n wre i iePa n0taFedeaogge ncme u mr ldems.nnryers arvilo tc tahh sos botrite1xst tdaehieeedhshst.nne ncaAh.e. li aetrlS aadr, ep2efss hCe 1ast absa errga y88aaraa rstvdm foMaeassb nyr m hnrtyeesAyosghonn is h adu eq to irviua fAca's posemvinuC ur'Tdboet kp lrttDaaiaMie E e cfsaiWnceiunmu3nioo RaHydau 1anyset o htt0htfougpr, g nrgro nfnfesra ereiirC ecemalornnb9 lusrearnshn8r1abieo htu, vssairret: 1esuereoh2chis. rasnn nt ar iph enesiiutfwstds sCanooeisojeatyson4adtdno wra

Editor's Comments

Honorable Mention:

Vista Murrieta (CA)

Muskego (WI)

Cherry Creek (CO)

Stillwater (MN)

Waukesha West (WI)

Cherokee Trail (CO)

Battle Mountain (CO)

Loudoun Valley (VA)

Southlake Carroll (TX)

Traverse City Central (MI)

Carmel (IN)

Centerville (OH)

North Hunterdon (NJ)

Fort Wayne Carroll (IN)

Pine Crest (FL)

Cardinal Gibbons (NC)